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The museum is located in the old Centerville, Iowa post office, zip code 52544. That's how we came up with the name 52544 Gift Shop


If you'd like to place an order, just call us during our open hours at 641-856-8040 or mail a check to the museum. We've already figured in flat rate priority shipping in the purchase prices of books.

Centerville: A Mid-American Saga

by Enfys McMurry


From the moment that the surveyor set down his tools in 1846 to the instant that the Flying Farmers crossed the sky at the centennial celebration, the history of Centerville, Iowa, has gifted us with a unique insight into the mid-American experience. Though the population never exceeded 8,600, immigrants from more than forty different countries created a community that was both melting pot and crucible--just like the nation at large. The town forged an identity through the Underground Railroad, the Civil War, race relations, education debates and World Wars I and II while its people survived the dark history of Prohibition, crime, the Ku Klux Klan, the Mafia and the Depression. In this definitive history, Enfys McMurry captures both the particular feelings of Centerville's citizens and how they reflected and participated in the larger American story. 


$32.99 + $4.00 S&H = $36.99




by the Appanoose County Historical Society


Appanoose County has a unique heritage, yet it shares a common legacy with all rural Midwestern communities. The boundaries were drawn in 1843, and pioneers from the East came and staked their claims. Jonathan Stratton, the surveyor who platted an addition to Ann Arbor, Michigan, that would eventually become the University of Michigan, did the same with the county seat, Centerville, and remained there. Coal was discovered in the county and became the primary industry for over 50 years. Waves of immigrants came to the area for work in the mines, changing the landscape of the populace forever. Even as coal mining faded away, the diverse culture of the residents remained. These people of Appanoose County maintained a strong work ethic and a positive attitude that pulled them through tough times. They took pride in the community and celebrated their great fortune to live in Appanoose County.


$21.99 + $3.00 S&H = $24.99




Support the Appanoose County Historical Society in a more substantial way by becoming a Patron of Our Heritage! You will receive the spring and fall newsletter and a membership card that will allow admittance to the museum and a receipt that will recognize your donation to our non-profit organization.


There are five levels of patrons:

  • Coal Miner's Club - $50 to $99

  • Chaldea League - $100 to $499

  • Appanoose Chieftain's Circle - $500 to $999

  • Governor Drake's Council - $1,000 to $4,999

  • Appanoose Legends - $5,000 +  


Become of member of the Appanoose County Historical Society! You will receive the spring and fall newsletter and a membership card that will allow admittance to the museum.

There are two levels of annual membership:


  • Single membership - $15

  • Family membership - $27

Anchor 1

If you'd like to place an order or become a member or sponsor:


  • Call us with your credit card info during our open hours at 641-856-8040 


  • Mail a check to the museum.


We've already figured in flat rate priority shipping in the purchase prices of books.



Summer hours (Mid-may through mid-October)

Monday - Friday 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Off-season hours (Mid-October through mid-May)

Wednesday - Friday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m



Appanoose County Historical Society

100 West Maple

Centerville, IA  52544


Make your check payable to the Appanoose County Historical Society


© 2018 by Appanoose County Historical Society

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